Goat’s milk vs cow’s milk | What’s the difference?
If asked which animal produces the most consumed type of dairy in the world, most people would go with a cow. However, Old MacDonald had other animals on the farm, too.
It’s the goat that wins the popularity contest this time.
You may not have tasted our goat’s milk squeaky cheese yet, but goat’s milk has been used for thousands of years. For many in developing countries, it is the cheaper, more available milk. Nevertheless, it is certainly not the lesser of the two when compared with cow’s milk.
Goat’s milk versus cow’s milk
Is goat’s milk better than cow’s milk? That is what people often want to know when thinking of swapping their dairy products to other alternatives. But the question isn’t so much which milk is nutritionally better, but which milk is better for you?
For an informed choice, let’s look at some of the health benefits of goat’s milk in comparison to cow’s milk.
Fewer allergens
The most common allergy among children is cow’s milk. With cow’s milk having 20 different allergens, it is hardly a surprise.
Goat’s milk, on the other hand, contains lower levels of the protein (Alpha-S1-casein) that is usually the culprit for causing cow’s milk allergies.
Research suggests goat’s milk is less likely to cause digestive, respiratory or dermatological symptoms than its cow alternative.
Nevertheless, goat’s milk is still not recommended if you have a dairy allergy.
Easier digestion
Is goat’s milk lactose-free? No, but it contains less lactose than cow’s milk. While still not recommended for lactose-intolerant people, some find they are okay with goat’s milk even when lactose-intolerant. This is due to the lower lactose content and the different protein composition in goat’s milk making digestion easier.
The fat globules in goat’s milk are also smaller which is why it is generally easier to digest without causing stomach upset.
Furthermore, the higher presence of prebiotic carbohydrates makes goat’s milk better for overall gut health.
Vitamins, minerals and nutrients
Goat’s milk is highly nutritious. It contains key vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and it is blood pressure friendly by having slightly lower cholesterol than whole cow’s milk. It also contains some healing properties that can help as a home remedy for ailments such as anaemia and eczema.
What does goat’s milk taste like?
Goat’s milk is said to be thicker and creamier than cow’s milk with a mild, smooth taste.
If you’re not ready to gulp down a glass of goat’s milk, how about easing your way into it in the form of our delicious goat’s milk squeaky cheese?
Our goat’s milk squeaky cheese is made from 100% goat’s milk with added salt and vegetarian rennet (an enzyme that sets the cheese). As with our other squeaky cheeses, you can eat it grilled, fried, grated on pasta or pizza, or raw.
Plus, you can enjoy the health benefits of goat’s milk in scrumptious halloumi form!
And there’s more… Our goat’s milk squeaky cheese is locally produced.
Buy Local - Support Local Businesses
It is important to us at Yorkshire Dama Cheese to support smaller businesses and sustainability; smaller businesses leave a smaller carbon footprint and so benefit the environment. You can read more about it on our post about smaller businesses.
The pandemic has also been particularly hard on local, small businesses. We source our milk from Yellison Goats at Sire Bank Farm, who like many other local farms have been struggling with low sales and hence the overproduction of milk.
Therefore, by enjoying our goat’s milk squeaky cheese, you are contributing to helping a local business stay on their feet during a tough time.